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Thursday, June 21, 2012

How weight is develope in our body

 weight is one type of disease which grow suddenly or it may grow step by step.weight is measure in calories.And its develop in the body by the growth of inner muscles.Mostly weight is gained by eating the food which have lots of calories and fat eg.lots of   oil having food and chocolate and sweet which contain high amount of calories.
Weight is also gained by leaving the body free and being lazy and having no body exercise.A most interesting thing "once the t.v reporter asked a lady about her weight and the women replay that,she use to do work and also she used to have diet food but then to her weight increases the reason was that weight can be increase suddenly too.weigh is a latency period.Being fat is a common condition,especially  when food supply is plenty but the lifestyle is sedentary.People having more weight causes the following effects,

  • Th fat present in the body increases
  • Muscles mass of body increases
  • The body hydration level increases
  • Increases in breast
All the above effects occur  when weight is increase in our body.

Weight gained in the body causes many problem related to sink,heart,liver,brain,stomach etc all this important organs of body caused by over weigh.
We seem that our parents use to say that chew the food properly.scientist prove that chewing food properly have no digestion problem.It can control the diabetes. Diabetes is one of the diseases which attacts the people of develop country because in that country the life style of the people is very smooth,they give stress to their mind but their body is in relax this result in weight gained and cause .diabetes.As diabetes is formed by increase in insulin in the body but  diabetes loss the wight of the people.It make the body thin and decrease the fat.The most causing thing is the skin problem due to the high amount of  fat and calories present in the body  the skin faces many problems like pimples,spots,oily face and cancer too.

Weight gained effects lifestyle of human being.Since the person having fat body mostly his/her community  response the negative behavior to him/her  and the reason the person who have a huge body feel uncomfortable and unhappy.The research has been found that  weight increases to  the result ''overweight'' and ''obesity'' all this risks to increase the following conditions:
  • Coronary heat disease 
  • 2 types of diabetes
  • Cancers (endometrial,breast,colon)
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Dyslipidemai (high cholesterol or high level of triglycerides)
  • stroke
  • Desease of liver and gallbladder
  • Sleep apnea and respiratory problem
  • Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
  • Gynecological problems (abnormal menses,infertility)

*Over weight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or higher;obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher.

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